This is my first portfolio. In this project, I used my newly aquired skills of Flex Box. When I was first tackling this project, it was challenging because this was the first time I had used FlexBox. I can now see how far I've come since this project!
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In this project I made a functional web application using FlexBox, JavaScript, and CSS Grid. This Project was a massive undertaking. Before I started the project, it looked daunting. However, after I started, I found that it was really fun!
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Forms are a very large part of many websites. It's very good to know how to make them. Making forms is really easy after you get the hang of it. Lots of websites use them to take payment info, to collect feedback and to create mailing lists.
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For this project, I used a combination of CSS Grid and Javascript to make a nice looking directory. While aesthetics may not be your first priority when making an employee directory, CSS Grid makes it easy to make one that is not only functional but also stylish. This project was the biggest Javascript undertaking that I have ever completed. It had moments of frustration but, when I finished it, I was very proud of myself.
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For this project I made a guessing game. While making this game, I used both CSS and Javascript. This guessing game was the first time I had the opportunity to really use JavasScript. Although it was challenging to begin with, I found Javascript to be a very useful tool. Now I can use it with more confidence.
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I used CSS Grid as well as JavaScript to make this photo gallery come to life. Of all the projects in my program the photo gallery is one of my favorites. I like it because it's functional and I think it is cool that you can add your own photos to it.
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Hello! My name is Ben Connell. My home base is Port Alberni, on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. I am a beginning front-end web designer. I bring creativity, knowledge, and passion to my work. I'm looking forward to helping people build their business and seamlessly reach their clients in productive and meaningful ways.